Auf der Gröb 5
D-83064 Raubling- Aich
Phone: +49 (0)8066 1505
Fax: +49 (0)8066 1508
eMail: kontakt@hengstberger-kts.de
Meisterbetrieb für Kälteanlagenbau – Master led company for cooling and climate technology
Professional Regulations:
Craftsman Rules (to be found in Bundesgesetzblatt I, Page 3074, issue printed 24. September 1998)
Regulatory Chamber:
Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Str. 4 80333 München
Trade Register:
Traunstein HRB 18528
Tax ID-Nr. as per § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 261713278
Exception certificate as per § 48b Abs. 1 EStG, Security number: 73635001 (check www.bff-online.de)
EORI-Nr. (Customs/Douane):
President and responsible for this content:
Leonhard Hengstberger (Adress as stated above)
Dated 04.2018
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